Our Chinchilla Cats @"Schoenweg" nursery was one of the first Official Certified cattery who started to breed Chinchilla cats in shorthair variety.
For a long time we were following strict rules , keeping tradition and advises of UK breeders:"Not to breed together British Shorthair cats with any other breeds like Perser, Exotic or Scottish fold .
It was also preferable to breed together only silver "chinchilla" at least
5 generations because its well known to keep the bright contrst of pure white hair and their black ends we should not breed these cats together with "golden" or even "colourpointed
Chinchilla cats coat looks much more luxurious when it has a pure white undercoat
and not "yellowish" or grey one like that we may get in kittens after breeding "silver "and "golden "cats together.
Our Pure breed 5 -Generation Silver Chinchilla cats were among the first ones
which appeared in the USA and Russia and were born and grown up in my home!
By the way "Chinchilla " is the name of cats fur colour
( in Great Britain "black tipped") and it was given after such south African rodent
because his beautiful coat is also imitated by white hair with black tips.
Now You may see our Alumi "Schönweg" chinchilla coated Cats which had Great Results and live in new homes in many different countries
P.S. DEAR BREEDERS we would be pleased to get new pictures of Schönweg EX-kittens to continue our Champion Glory Gallery TO be continued.......
ICH Schönweg Bartolomeo March 2014 Iserlohn.
This Internatioanl Champion was Best in Variety named. Thank You, Sandra Henkel ____________________________________________________________________
G.Int.CH.WCF (Grand Internation Champion) WCF, Schoenweg Kris Kringle Minsk ( Belarussia)
Schönweg Goodwin GICH Champion Murmansk (Russia)
CH Schoenweg Camilla Blanchefleuer Cattery" Ermine trace" Moscow (Russia)
CH Schönweg Engene Germany we are particularly proud of
WCH Schoenweg Charmant Bonifaz
our first World Champion
Thank You , Eugenia Sidorin
CH Schoenweg Amadeus (Russia)
Great International Champion Schönweg Ocean of Love Moscow (Russia) Now is well know not only in Russia as he is the father of many kittens in different Catteries.
(open for mating stud cat)
CHSchoenweg Floretta Cara Moscow ( Russia)
Two of Schoenweg Champions are living in Slovenia Cattery "Silver Buttons"
CH Schoenweg Nino di Angelo CH Schoenweg Britney Schatz
CH Schoenweg Giannino Weiss was the one of first pure breed silver chinchilla cat in Frorida USA
Schoenweg Giannino Weiss was shipped to the USA in 2009 together with Schoenweg Ideal Girl for breedingwhich also get titel Champion there and they had together the most beautiful babiesThis time the names of these two "Schoenweg" cats may be found in some pedigrees of chinchilla cats which living in USA.
Our CH Schoenweg Paloma lives in Germany was the first "chinchilla " cat in
Cattery Zarentiger(Germany)
Int.CH Schoenweg Zippo (Latvia) now is a father or kittens in many catteries
(open for mating stud cat)
ICH Schoenweg Silver Gene was the first stud cat in cattery Gentle pads( Russia)
his name could be found also in many Russian chinchilla cats Pedigrees
ICH Schoenweg Traummann(ns12) (Russia)
ICH FIFE Schönweg Himmelchen ns 1133 ( Germany)
CH Schoenweg Franchesca Blanca ( Estonia)
CH Schoenweg Beate St.Petersburg (Russia)
Time goes quickly. I still remember how they were little funny ice-white teddy-bears.
And now we may congratulate them with their own kittens. Each of young mother got 5 healthy kittens
Schoenweg Natalina Magia ( ns1133 ) in Russia.
CH Schoenweg Olivia and CH Schönweg Nelson Newton were the first cats Cattery of Shwitzeland
Schoenweg Queen Elisabeth has absolute white chinchilla point coat
CHSchoenweg Franklin Blue
was the first silver shaded point British Shorthair cat in Canada
CH Schoenweg Jaint Joker
Schoenweg Eti and Kari (Turkey)
CH Schoenweg Frappuchino (Germany)
CH Schoenweg Desiderius was stud cat in Salonicats (Greece) CH Schoenweg Panni